Journalof Law and Criminal Justice
ISSN:2374-2674 (Print) 2374-2682 (Online)
Journal of Law and Criminal Justice is a refereedinternational journal that seeks to publish high quality research papers in theareas of socio-legal studies and the psychology of law, criminology and socialjustice studies. The Journal invites papers based on empirical research,theoretical analysis and debate, and policy analysis and critique. The journalis dedicated to presenting system-wide trends and problems on law, crime andjustice throughout the world. It provides a forum for social scientists toreport research findings for policy making with respect to crime and justicethrough innovative and advanced methodologies.
Thejournal is published by the AmericanResearch Institute for Policy Development that serves as a focal point foracademicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, andassociates pursuing research throughout the world.
Theinterested contributors are highly encouraged to submit theirmanuscripts/papers to the executive editor via e-mail at Please indicate thename of the journal (Journal of Law and Criminal Justice) in the cover letteror simply put ‘Journal of Law and Criminal Justice ’ in the subject box duringsubmission via e-mail.
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DOI® number
Eachpaper published in Journal of Law and Criminal Justice is assigned a DOI®number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper.
JLCJ is inviting papers for Vol. 8, No. 2. The onlinepublication date is November 30, 2020. Submission Deadline: October 31, 2020.
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