2022.04.14【CALLFOR PAPERS】USER INTERFACE AWARD call for entries
There can be no doubt about the fact that USER INTERFACE design is both an art and a science, and like both, the subject also needs a great amount of talented skill.
2022.03.01【SCHOOL INFORMATION】WRWU: MCU’s Academic Web Impact Ranked #1
2022.03.01【CALLFOR PAPERS】2022 International Conference on Method Triangulation: Implications for Social Science Research

Call for Papers
2021.10.08【SCHOOL INFORMATION】MCU COVID-19 Prevention Notice (Effective October 12, 2021)
Handled in accordance with the updated epidemic containment instructions listed in the MOE official Letter No.TTH1100133873 issued on October 4, 2021. MCU Adjustment of Teaching Method and Class Format Effective from October 12 (Tuesday) :
2021.01.13【CALLFOR PAPERS】International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (IJAHSS)
International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (IJAHSS)
ISSN:2693-2547 (Print), 2693-2555 (Online)
2020.01.06【SCHOOL INFORMATION】Welcome 2021! … Final Exams Coming up … Please Wear a Face Mask!
Final exams are going to be held from January 11 to 15, 2021. The traditional MCU plum-blossom examination seating arrangement will be implemented; in line with the new life of epidemic containment, everyone is required to please wear a face mask for all the examinations.
2020.12.23【CALLFOR PAPERS】International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (IJAHSS)
Call for Papers
International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (IJAHSS)
ISSN:2693-2547 (Print), 2693-2555 (Online)
2020.12.16 【SCHOOL INFORMATION】2020-21 AY 2nd Semester Online Course Initial Course Begins
2020-21 AY 2nd semester online course initial selection starts at 12:30 AM today (Dec. 14), and will be available in different periods depending on students’ class year. The results of cloud course selection will be posted at 10 am of the online course selection day. Based on those results, students may decide whether or not to enter the course selection system to adjust the courses.
2020.11.17【CALLFOR PAPERS】Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution (JLCR)
We are pleased to inform you that a latest issueof Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution (JLCR) is available online. See table of content below.
Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution welcomes the submission of manuscripts via its online Manuscript Management System or jlcr@academicjournals.org